
Tomato Sauce with Onion and Butter

I know, we've tried this whole blog thing before but as many of you know to say last year was crazy does not even begin to explain it.  So here we are again, round 2 of this food blog thing and here's hoping this time it sticks!  This is for all of you who constantly email me for recipes, tips and tricks and to the many homemade meals we hope to make together in the future.

I figured I would start off easy, nothing too fancy, actually if you can boil water you can make this dish...it really is that simple.  After seeing this recipe not once, not twice but over 3 times on the various food blogs I read I knew I had to try it.  Hard to believe something so easy can be the hands down absolute best tomato sauce I've ever tried.  There is something about the sweetness of the onion, the velvety texture from the butter and the freshness from the tomatoes and basil that is quite simply indescribable but one thing is for certain, you just want more!

Tomato Sauce with Onion and Butter
Serves 4 - 6

* Note this picture is of a halved recipe

1 28oz can whole, peeled San Marzano tomatoes with their juices - you can use any canned tomato you can find in your local store but I personally think the San Marzano's have a firmer texture and more flavor.  Publix carries the Cento brand and they are delicious!
4 tablespoons of butter
1 medium yellow onion (sweet or vidalia), peeled and cut in half
1 bunch of chopped fresh basil
Salt & Pepper to taste

Combine the tomatoes, butter and onion together in a medium saucepan over medium heat and bring to a simmer.  Cook, uncovered, at a slow moderate heat for 45 minutes.  Every so often take the back of a wooden spoon and press the tomatoes against the sides of the pan to gently break them apart until you have a chunky consistency (you can also use a potato masher for this).  After 45 minutes and the texture is how you like it, stir in the basil and add salt and pepper to taste.  You can choose to use any fresh herb you like, rosemary, oregano, etc. I just happen to think the sweetness of the basil compliments the sweetness of the onion and tomatoes perfectly.

Remove the onion and serve over your favorite linguine or spaghetti and with a sprinkling of freshly grated Parmesan cheese and some nice warm, crusty bread.

For the onion lovers (I am not included in this bunch) I have read people, those who obviously hate to waste food, chop up the leftover onion and serve it on toast the next morning with a fried egg on top.  Sounds delicious, I just happen to dislike onions unless they are very finely chopped, texture thing I guess.  If any of you decide to give it a try comment back and let me know, perhaps you can persuade me!

* This recipe can easily be cut in half to feed two people instead of four.  Just buy a 12oz can of tomatoes, use half the onion and only 2 tablespoons of butter.  Same cooking process and time.  The boy and I do this and then fight for the leftovers the following morning.


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